Level 5

Creative Studio Practice 2

Teaching Team: Stephen Good

In this Module our Level 5 students develop on the skills from Level 4, expanding their practice to include more advanced production techniques.

In the Midterm project, students worked to compose and produce songs to meet chosen set “licensing brief”, this included music for nature documentaries and crime dramas.

For their Final Project worked in pairs to produce their own podcasts, utilising their production skills to create original content, interviews, theme music and sonic branding.

Applied Music Technology

Teaching team: Allan Seago & Charles Reeves

During the Spring semester students are offered a selection of projects to consolidate and build on the theoretical foundations laid down in modules at level 4. The two selected works coincidentally pertain to the same film excerpt. Nonetheless, each student developed a very personal approach in the composition and production of the film score.

Composition and Live Electronics

Semester 1: Composition

Teaching team: Elaine Thomazi-Freitas

The first semester is dedicated to Music Composition. We investigated on the compositional process and strategy with a series of seminars and practice based workshops covering process-based composition, through-composed forms, patterns and non-Western influences, sample-based composition, new formal structures, form and method in composition, and new formal devices: Fibonacci Series, Mosaic Form; Moment Form; and Cagean Rhythmic Structures

Each of the selected works is an individual interpretation from this investigative journey around creativity, method and structure in music composition.

Semester 2: Live Electronics

Teaching Team: Stephen Good

For their Live Electronics project, the students were required to conceive and produce a Live Music Performance device utilising Max MSP and the control language Open Sound Control (OSC).

The result of which is a “patch” which enables users to manipulate, modify and record sounds for live music performance using touch devices such as smart phones and tablets.


Level 4


Level 6